Garlic > Latest Research & Adverse Effects of Garlic
Allicin protects against severe chronic pulmonary hypertension in rats
BBC News Article - Garlic 'prevents common cold' (latest research on garlic)
The Properties of Allicin in Garlic
This astounding collection of properties and abstracts associated with them comes from the "Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Database"
Anti-Microbial Characteristics
A Quantitative Assessment of the Anti-Microbial Activity of Garlic (Allium Sativum)
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 1993; 9:303v307

The Antimicrobial Activity of Garlic and Onion Extracts
 Pharmazie 1983 Nov;   38 (11):  747–8
Antioxidant Activity of Allicin, an Active Principle in Garlic
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 1995;   148 (2) Jul 19:   183–189
Cancer Supportive Characteristics
Allium sativum (Garlic) and Cancer Prevention
Nutrition Research 1990; 10: 937–948
Antithrombotic Characteristics
Consumption of a Garlic Clove a Day Could be Beneficial in Preventing Thrombosis
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1995;   53 (3) Sep:   211–2
An Evaluation of Garlic and Onion as Antithrombotic Agents
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1996;   54 (3) Mar:   183–6
Cholesterol-lowering Characteristics
Garlic Powder Tablets Reduce Atherogenicity of Low Density Lipoprotein. A Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Study
Nutrition and Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease, 1996;   6:   21–31
Garlic as a Lipid Lowering Agent-A Meta-Analysis
Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 1994;   28(1):
Can Garlic Reduce Levels of Serum Lipids? A Controlled Clinical Study
The American Journal of Medicine, June 1993;   Vol. 94:   632–635

Effect of Garlic on Total Serum Cholesterol
Ann Intern Med 1993;   119 (7 Pt 1) Oct 1:   599–605
Blood Pressure-lowering Characteristics
Can Garlic Lower Blood Pressure? A Pilot Study
Pharmacotherapy 1993;   13 (4) Jul-Aug:   406–7
A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Garlic on Blood Pressure
Journal of Hypertension 1994;   12 (4) Apr:   463–468
Thanks to Pub Med
for their quality MEDLINE search tool.
More Garlic Links , articles & research.

Organization Says Science Supports Benefits of Garlic : Organization Says Science Supports Benefits of GarlicResearch in 4-Year Study Shows Herb Can Prevent or Reverse Plaque Buildup in ArteriesAustin, Tx. September 28, 2000 - A science organization dealin
(garlic 16)

J Nutr 2001 Mar;131(3s):977S-9S - Historical perspective on garlic and cardiovascular disease
J Nutr 2001 Mar; 131(3s):989S-93S - Cholesterol-lowering effect of garlic extracts and organosulfur compounds: human and animal studies
Ann Intern Med 2000 Sep 19;133(6):420-9 - Garlic for treating hypercholesterolemia. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Microbes Infect 1999 Feb;1(2):125-9 - Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic
Nutr Cancer 2000;38(2):245-54 - Effect of purified allicin, the major ingredient of freshly crushed garlic, on cancer cell proliferation
Carcinogenesis 2001 Jun;22(6):891-7 - Growth inhibitory effects of diallyl disulfide on human breast cancer cell lines
J Nutr 2001 Mar;131(3s):1067S-70S - Enhanced immunocompetence by garlic: role in bladder cancer and other malignancies
Drug Deliv 2000 Apr-Jun;7(2):91-6 - Comparative effects of garlic and aspirin on diabetic cardiovascular complications
J Korean Med Sci 2001 Dec;16 Suppl:S81-6 - Colon cancer chemoprevention with ginseng and other botanicals
Adv Ther 2001 Jul-Aug;18(4):189-93 - Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey
Am J Hypertens 2001 Sep;14(9 Pt 1):971-5 - Herbs and alternative therapies in the hypertension clinic
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2001 Aug;11(4 Suppl):57-65 - Garlic and health
Medical Research Council, South Africa - Article: More potency than pong
Life Extention Magazine, Jan. 2000 - Garlic, the Bountiful Bulb
University of Wolverhampton - Garlic's leading role in fight against cancer
Plant Remedies - Garlic Research Index
The Chiropractic Resource Organization - Research Articles on Garlic
The - Garlic, an Ancient Herb for Modern Times - Garlic Information Page
Center for Alternative Medicine Research in Cancer - Garlic Summary - Rx: Garlic for Health
HealthWorld Online - The Chemistry of Garlic Health Benefits
US National Insitute of Health news release - Garlic Supplements Can Impede HIV Medication
The Herb Research Foundation - Garlic Information
Loma Linda University - New studies reveal how garlic protects the heart
Garlic World - Europe's Leading Garlic Website
GAIA Research - Garlic Compounds

The Garlic Information Center

American Nutraceutical Association home page

Michael K. Hobson, D.C. Echinacea page

USDA medicinal plant database, Dr. James A. Duke

Cautions / Contradictions

Anticoagulant therapy with Warfarin may be considered as a potentially serious interaction.

Its use should be prior to surgery as Garlic might have an effect on blood coagulation.

Caution should be exercised after organ transplant as garlic is believed to have immunostimulant effects.

Individuals with Pemphigus ( an autoimmune disorder) are recommended to avoid garlic because of its sulphur containing compounds.

Possible Adverse Effects

Hartburn, Flatulence,and Gastro-intestinal upset can occur at high doses (more than 4 cloves daily or >2,400mg of powder)

Contact Dermatitis( if the skin is exposed to raw garlic for an extended period of time)

Post Operative bleeding

From Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine/Wampole and Health care professional training program in Complementary Medicine


Garlic Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings


People allergic to garlic may develop a rash from taking the garlic pills

Consult your practitioner before using garlic if you are pregnant

Can inhibit blood clotting. If you have a blood-clotting disorder, consult an herbalist or a licensed healthcare professional

Avoid large amounts of garlic if you are taking aspirin or other drugs that thin the blood.

Produces bad breath, heartburn, and flatulence (take it enteric coated tablets to avoid this problem.

Garlic is thought to function as an adjunct treatment for cardiovascular disease. Consult your practitioner before using it in this capacity

Do not take garlic tablets if you are breast-feeding because it can pass into the breast-milk and cause colic in infants.

Garlic reinforces warfarin action by heterogeneous mechanisms. It should thus not be used in patients on oral anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet therapy.
- Oral anticoagulants and medicinal plants. An emerging interaction -- Argento A, Tiraferri E, Marzaloni M. -- Ann Ital Med Int. 2000 Apr;15(2):139-43.

Garlic may increase the risk of bleeding or potentiate the effects of warfarin therapy.
- Am J Health Syst Pharm 2000 Jul 1;57(13):1221-7; quiz 1228-30 -- Potential interactions between alternative therapies and warfarin. -- Heck AM, DeWitt BA, Lukes AL.

Changes pharmacokinetic variables of paracetamol, decreases blood concentrations of warfarin and produces hypoglycaemia when taken with chlorpropamide.
- Drugs 2001;61(15):2163-75 -- Interactions between herbal medicines and prescribed drugs: a systematic review. -- Izzo AA, Ernst E.